Friday, February 23, 2018

Jollibee- Burger Steak with Anne Curtis (The Musical)

1.) Whose message is this? Who created and paid for it? Why?
Tony Tan Caktiong for he is the founder and Chairmanof Jollibee Foods Corporation. He paid for this advertisement to gain more customers in buying Burger Steak.

2.) Who is the "target audience"? What is their age, ethnicity, class, profession, i terests etc.? What words, images, or sounds suggest this?
The target audience are the Normal Citizens in any age, maybe up to adolescent age to adult age. It targets middle class people for it's cheap but affordable, delicious meal. The ad contains many people from teenagers to adults so it has a chanxe of attracting customers at any age limit.

3.) What is the "text" of the message? (What we actually see or hear, written or spoken words, photos, drawings, logos, design, music, sounds, etc.)
"Linamnam Ulam, Linamnam Ulam, Jollibee Burger Steak, Beefy Saucy Linamnam Ulam" Jollibee Burger Steak" The ad also has a catchy song and playful dance and a Jolly endorser which is Anne Curtis.

4.) What is the "subtext" of the message? (What do you think is the hidden or unstated meaning?
For us it's " Buy Jollibee Burger Steak for it is a delicious meal in an affordable price and Jollibee restaurants arw a happy and fun place to be with your friends and family."

5.) What kind of lifestyle is presented? Is it glamorous? How?
For me, it looks a bit glamorous or "sosyal". Anne Curtis wore a glamorous and beautiful dress. Some girls also wore dresses and some boys wear Casual outfits and some looks formal. There are also mascots of Yum, Hetty, Jollibee, Twirlie and Popo dancing at the back.

6. What values are expressed?
For me it's joy and unity. It's like it shows how people who don't even know each other, people in different ages, joins together and dances and sings together.

7. What positive messages are presented?
What negative messages are presented?
Being happy always. Filipinos are known for their cheerful side. It shows what kind of Filipinos are; always cheerful and happy.
In negative, for me when Anne Curtis is eating alone. It would have been better if she was eating with her family or friends.

8. What group of people does this message empower? What groups does it disempower? How does this serve the media maker's interest?
For me, the actors and actresses empowers any media or advertisement because of their popularity or how many people know them. The message of this message empowers people who are working. Especially those people who need to cut down their expenses. People will love to buy this product, even college students due to its cheap price. For me, those who disempowers this are the people who are very poor and can't even afford to buy on any food in fast food chains. They use the income of most people in the Philippines as an advantage to attract more customers.

9. What part of the story is not being told?
Maybe, what the backup dancers and Anne Curtis did after dancing about burger steak and if the backup dancers  ate too. Maybe they didn't ate burger steak but eaten a different meal.

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